reindeer made of straw/ presents sent from home (thank you Moms!)
This is a farol (or farolito). It is made of wood and colored plastic wrap. There is a candle inside. We marched in a procession from one Catholic church to the other, following a statue of la Virgen de Concepción.
Bruce and friends after the procession.
Kelly, machete, coconut
This is the float for the procession of la Virgen de Guadalupe. Children were all dressed up in traditional clothes. Young boys had fake moustaches. A throng of singing townspeople followed the float for two hours. Two men lead the float with tall sticks to raise the telephone lines to allow the float to pass. Then the insanity began. Fireworks upon fireworks. A man dressed up as a bull, running through the crowd, setting fireworks off in all directions. This is a tradition. Bruce´s hand was slightly burned. We didn´t return to the park for the 3 am mariachi concert on account of a hike the next day. But the fireworks woke us up anyway.
our adorable neighbor in traditional dress
1 comment:
Based on her work in BISC498 &631 at UD, I had not realized that Kelly, was qualified to use a machete on a coconut! What strange talents my former students have.
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