Bruce's compass (shout out to Uncle J and Aunt K!)
at the top, we imparted charlas (talks/ lectures)...we made them fun
Kelly teaching soil degradation through a wild game
during Bruce's values-themed charla (with lollipops!)
huevos de golondriz (we think they are quail eggs)/ our priest raises the birds and the eggs are sold on Sundays/ they are very small
these are Guatemalan quetzales/ we went on a church day trip to Esquipulas, Guatemala to see the famous Cristo Negro (a statue of Jesus carved from dark wood)/ it is the most popular Catholic pilgrimage in Central America
Pollo Campero and the famous church of Esquipulas
Cristo Negro/ after singing many a religious song during our 5+ hour bus ride, we were shocked when the sweet old ladies we went with conspicuously but unashamedly jumped in line ahead of hundreds of other pilgrims...we followed them...when in Rome...very awkward/ despite the line jump, we waited an hour and a half to see Cristo Negro/ after viewing the statue, it is customary to walk backwards all the way out the chapel so as not to turn one's back on God
Bruce and Kelly with the woman we are living with (next to Bruce)
we took a moto-taxi (small, three wheels) up the hill to a park that hosts the famous cave where Cristo Negro was (according to legend) discovered/ according to fact, Cristo Negro was carved in Spain during the 16th century/ the park also had lions, crocodiles, monkeys, etc.
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