Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tamales Pisques

We helped organize an environmental forum at the town dance hall. There was no dancing. Here you can see the riveted audience of humans and other friends.

The mesa de honor (table of honor) at the forum. The mayor and a good deal of NGO representatives came out.

We went over to the house of the sub-director from one of the schools to make tamales pisques (spicy tamales). The green masa is ground-up corn and a leafy vegetable called chipilin. We then add beans.

the action

ready for the fire

Kelly´s tamale-making skills are laughable.

Bruce. Beyond laughable.

the finals of our sixth grade Incredible Chess tournament

Los Vencedores, The Winners...they won!

Star Fox Team, the favorites all along, lost the big match. For shame.

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